What is transmission latency and why is it important?

What is transmission latency and why is it important?

When it comes to live streaming, transmission latency refers to the time it takes for a data stream to get from the sender to the receiver. That is, it is the amount of time that elapses from the time a video feed is sent until it is received at the other end.

Transmission latency is important in live streaming because it can affect the viewer’s experience. If latency is too high, there can be a large amount of delay between what is happening live and what the viewer sees on their device, which can make the experience less immersive and frustrating for the audience.

What is an acceptable latency?

An acceptable latency for live transmissions may vary depending on the type of content being transmitted and the transmission platform used. In general, it is recommended that latency be no more than a few seconds (10-20s) for a smooth live streaming experience.

In some cases, such as the broadcasting of sporting events, even lower latency is preferred and required to ensure that the audience sees the events in real time. There are other situations, such as the transmission of a slide presentation or lecture, where higher latency may not be a major problem.

How can Flumotion help reduce latency?

Flumotion offers live streaming solutions focused on delivering high quality content with minimal latency. It uses a variety of technologies to ensure that streaming is fast and reliable, including:

  • Use of high-capacity streaming servers to ensure smooth transmission even in times of high demand.

  • Use of advanced compression algorithms to reduce the size of the data being sent, which reduces transmission latency.

  • The incorporation of a content delivery network (CDN) to accelerate the delivery of content across multiple servers worldwide.

If you are looking for a fast and reliable live streaming solution, Flumotion!Flumotion is your ideal solution!