Flumotion All-in-One Media Suite para Television y Radio online Eventos...
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Experimenta el poder del Streaming con nuestra solución integrada. Pioneros desde 2006, garantizamos una experiencia confiable y de vanguardia para tu contenido.
- 360 video
- Multilingüe
- Multi-cámara
- CatchUP EPG
- Autoplay
- Autoloop
- Automute
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Responsible: Flumotion. Purpose: To provide the requested service and answer the questions raised. Legitimation: Consent of the interested party by accepting the privacy policy. Recipients: The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. In any case, the data you provide to us are located on servers whose headquarters are located within the EU territory or managed by Data Processors under the “Privacy Shield” agreement, approved by the European Data Protection Committee. Rights: Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.